YUME book- We need you!
Katherine RoseShare
Hello again all! We're so amazed and flattered by the number of excellent submissions we got for the artist's sections of our lifestyle lolita print project- YUME book. Even if you weren't accepted this time round, we hope you will join us again for future issues!
Today we'd like to reach out to our community once again- would you like to be featured in YUME but didn't have any artwork or writing to submit? We're looking to hear from you all with some more community focussed contributions- and you can get discounts from submitting yours!
We're looking for submissions of media recommendations, room decor photos, photos and information about your lifestyle lolita hobbies, and even pet photos! Here's some more info on how you can submit:

What's your favourite media for lifestyle lolita? Do you incorporate music and video games into your frilly rituals? Are you constantly checking for the latest update from a lolita blog writer or online video creator? We want to hear about it! Simply send us a short description of your media recommendation, and if it's picked we will send you a 5% discount coupon for your copy of YUME volume 1!
Submit media recommendations via this form!