R.R. Memorandum Blog
Guest Post by Rose Nocturnalia: On Revolution, Rebellion and the Lolita Fashion Community
Posted by Katherine Rose on
'The early lolita subculture really embodied the punk ethos, far beyond the handmade clothing, tartan, and Vivienne Westwood shoes. Lolita fashion was an unapologetic, self-indulgent rejection of the intensely limiting cultural restrictions on young Japanese women. And while they may not have started wearing lolita fashion for that specific reason, by choosing to defy cultural expectations and instead choosing to do what made them happiest in a very visible way, they were pretty punk. Even though they didn't wear lolita purely to make a statement, lolita fashion itself makes a statement: "I'm doing this for myself, regardless of what you think."
Happy International Lolita Day Summer 2020!
Posted by Katherine Rose on
It’s that time of (twice) year again! Although this time, international lolita day comes at a strange time. While ILD was intended to be a time for lolitas to come together, we’re spending this one in isolation. many of us were still able to enjoy online meetups though, and here at rrm we made a new lifestyle lolita themed video for you to hopefully enjoy! If you’ve not seen it on our socials yet, check out this beautiful photo set from Troubleinthemessagecentre! Here’s our ILD summer 2020 video! Stay tuned for more blog posts about lifestyle lolita,...
R.R. Memorandum Product Previews & March Fashion Film- At Home
Posted by Katherine Rose on
What is R.R. Memorandum?
Posted by Katherine Rose on