R.R. Memorandum Blog
Why we blog here at R.R.Memorandum
Posted by Lucy May on
From the beginning of R.R.Memorandum, it was always important to Kath to have a blog as part of the brand: especially as a way to connect our brand message to the hearts and minds of our customers and those who enjoy oldschool lolita fashion as much as we do.
Reclaiming Opulence: Taking a frilly stand against intersectional discrimination!
Posted by Lucy May on
Opulence. A word which the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines as pertaining to terms such as ‘affluence’ and ‘abundance’. When we think of Elegant Gothic and Lolita, and other kawaii fashions, opulent is definitely a word which we would associate with such a style. Opulent presences are going to turn heads and start conversations. As such, it is part of the DNA of lolita fashion and kawaii fashion in general to be revolutionary. And that revolution is all about reclamation of opulence in the counteraction of oppression.
Wit (and Eyeliner) Sharp Enough to Cut Glass: An Interview with Kei LaVonne
Posted by Katherine Rose on
The aura of sophistication and class I have and always will associate with Kei LaVonne is unparalleled. Stylistically, she emulates everything that this fashion means to be in terms of opulence and rebelliousness. She means business. And that business is the dazzlingly dark glassware jewellery pieces that she makes under the guise of her brand, Néant Glass. Kei works tirelessly to bring the gorgeous glass coffin jewellery pieces we all know and love to life! Despite a time difference of five hours, I was able to grab some of Kei’s precious time ahead of today’s R.R.Memorandum X Néant Glass exclusive product release to chat. I started by asking her how it felt to be the boss lady of such an up-and-coming lolita accessories brand.
What’s In A Name?: Media for reclaiming the term ‘lolita’ for the EGL movement and resisting stigma – EGL media review, part II
Posted by Katherine Rose on
We have all been through it. That moment during a meetup when a stranger in mainstream clothing approaches the group, a look of bemused astonishment on their face. They ask us about what we are all wearing, why we are wearing it…and what it is called? The first two questions are more easily answered than the last, for the final one is loaded. We always feel the need to explain that ‘lolita’, the fashion, has no relation to Lolita, the book. Be immediately on the defensive. Or try to skirt about it for fear of judgement.
Media representation and its development of personal tools for defending our choice to wear EGL: Part I – ANTM and Kamikaze Girls
Posted by Katherine Rose on
It is profoundly difficult to appear different in a world that demands us to all be the same and confirm to certain standards or aesthetics of being. Even in a world where there is more representation of non-traditionally normative lifestyles and subcultures in the media than ever, it is still hard to live a life in which we look a way that is different from those around us: especially if looking different is a choice we have personally made. As fanciers and wearers of EGL fashion, we are acutely aware of this fact. The jeers and intolerance of those who see us as ‘other’, even in 2020, are ever present. There are still relatively few pieces of media that truly work to help explain and describe the fashion that we love. That is why we have decided to dedicate a couple of blog posts here at R.R. Memorandum to discussing some immensely powerful EGL-based media.